Florida Scavenger Hunt
FLORIDA: The Sunshine State
Ready… Set… Hunt!
This year students in my class will take part in a Florida Scavenger Hunt! Collected items are to be proudly displayed in a scrapbook, which will be due towards the end of the year. The goal is to collect as many items as possible for the scrapbook. Each item has a designated point value and it is possible to earn up to 200 points! Some of these items are easy to find. Others may require a little extra effort. Scrapbook creativity is very important and can add up to 12 points alone.
5 pts each
Leaf from our state tree
Picture of our state bird
Article about Florida's population
Article about the record high or low temperatures in Florida
Logo from three sports team from Weston or Florida
An article about a natural disaster that took place in our state
Colored drawing or picture of the Florida state flag
Map of Florida
Map of Weston showing where the school is
A picture of your school
A picture of your house
Photo of you with a former teacher
Headings from the Sun-Sentinel, Miami Herald, or any other Florida Newspaper
Name 3 alien species found in the Everglades (not original to Florida)
Name 3 native species found in the Everglades
Information about at least 3 Florida rivers
Write the names and work of at least 5 Florida authors
Information about 1 theme park in Florida
Write a paragraph on how Florida got its name, who thought it up and why we decided to use it (10 points)
8 pts each
Photo of you in front of the local fire station or fire truck
Photo of you by the Ocean
Photo of you in front of Weston City Hall or your local City Hall
Photo of you with the principal or assistant principal
A picture of you in front of a business in Weston
Business cards of at least 5 Weston businesses
Proof of volunteer hours completed in your neighborhood
A brochure of a State Park
Photo of you in the Everglades
Something proving you have been to the Weston Library or your local Library
Something proving you have visited a famous building/structure in Florida
Points available from scavenger hunt: 188
Points available for creativity: 12
Total possible points: 200