Ince Class Reminders
Week of 1/20/20
Ince Class Reminders
Good Morning Parents.
First of all, thank you for my lovely birthday gift! It was a complete surprise when my marvelous room mom’s turned up, and we had a little celebration in class. You are all too generous and kind J
It was great to be back in class with your adorable children this week. We worked hard and achieved everything we needed to do. They were very well behaved for Mrs. Powell last week.
However, this week some of my boys have been very chatty and this is disrupting our learning environment. They have forgotten that when I am teaching they should put their hands up to indicate they have very welcome things to say, and not just randomly shout them out. I have had several words with these boys, and have also moved some seats, so that students are not tempted to talk to their neighbors. Please remind your child that there are 23 students in my class and in order for ALL of them to learn we have to have procedures. Should this continue this week I may have to put some of my students on behavior charts. I will leave notes in Agenda’s this week if your child is not following our classroom rules. Please make sure you are checking Agenda’s daily. Thank you for your support.
Important Reminders:
No School Monday, January 20
Fabreze – I am in need of Fabreze spray please for the classroom
FSA Writing Camp continues on Wednesday from 2:30-4:00. Please send your child a small snack and be on time for pick up. Please go through the car line for dismissal.
FSA Reading and Math Camps – Reading and math camps begin the week of 2/3. We still have space if you would like to enroll your child. I am sending a separate email with the camp enrollment forms attached.
St. Augustine – We are not accepting any more students, as our buses are pretty full. Our Chaperone ratio is 1 chaperone per 4 students. Our class will be taking 5 chaperones. I will complete the drawing on Monday in class. If your name is drawn please send the deposit promptly, as we have to pay the travel company their deposit very shortly.
Online Assignments: Please make sure your child is completing all online assignments this week – Freckle ELA 50 minutes weekly 2 assignments due on Friday, 1/24 and Prodigy 60 minutes weekly. Some of my students have been on Freckle, but have not been completing their assignments. Since they are being assigned a grade, I need all students to be completing the correct work.
Planbook reminder: Check grades often! Quarter 3 is a busy quarter. We will not be accepting late assignments unless your child is absent. Students need to stay focused and complete assignments when due. Our grades are up to date for Quarter 3.
AR Points- Students have their new Quarter 3 goal in their agenda. All Quarter 3 points are due on Thursday, March 19. Some of my amazing students have already met, or nearly reached, their goal. Since I want to encourage my students to keep reading, and keep taking tests, I have created the ‘Double Donut Club!’ I have given these students an additional goal (which is not double by-the-way J) to reach. If they make it they will have a lunch bunch Donut party with me. All students are eligible. They just have to complete their goal and then request a Double Donut goal. Of course, I will be super happy if all my students achieve Double donuts!
Yearbook – The yearbook editors are in need of pictures from 4th grade. If you have any class or activity pictures, please email them to our room moms. If they are from your phone, please send them actual size for better quality.
Reading / Language Arts
This week, we will compare poetry, prose, and drama RL4.5. During grammar we will focus on pronoun-verb agreement. During writing, students will read, text code, plan, and write an informative essay on their own. We will share our essays and provide constructive feedback.
Spelling & Vocabulary Words:
Wordly Wise Lesson 12: Wordly Wise Lesson 12: ability, amiable, bliss, caress, clutch, coax, furious, gesture, mope, prefer, recover, replace, request, separate, shun. Please note these are Spelling and Vocabulary words for most of my students. I have provided an alternative list for my Red Group. Please note there are only 15 words.
Social Studies
We will learn about Martin Luther King, Jr. and finish our Unit on Explorers. We will work on the Explorer packet this week. Also, please remember that the Trading Card is sue on Tuesday. My students have given plenty of time to work on this in class this week.
We will finish Chapter 8 on multiplying fractions by a whole number. Test on Chapter 8 will be next Tuesday, January 28th.
Reading RL4.5 Test on Friday
Grammar pronoun- verb agreement quiz on Friday
Wordly Wise Lesson 12 vocabulary and spelling test on Friday
Any questions or concerns please email me.