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Advanced Reading Challenge

NOTE: This year the "reward" is $50 Barnes & Nobel gift card 


Please find below the Advanced Reading Challenge Packs for 3-4 grades and 5-6 Grades.


Advanced Reading Challenge


The Advanced Reading Challenge (ARC) is open to Imagine students in grades 3-12 who are at or above grade level in reading and who can assume responsibility for independent work beyond their class and homework assignments.

The ARC book list is comprised of high quality “classic” books at or above grade level.  Twenty-two of the twenty-five books read for the challenge must be chosen from the book lists provided.  Three books can be books of the students’ choosing that have been approved by the classroom teacher.  Students may read from lists higher than their grade level, but not below.

Students who accept the challenge pledge to read each book and complete a short response of their choice in order to certify their accomplishment.  The classroom teacher then accepts the responses and tracks the students’ progress.  Each student who completes the challenge (25 books and responses) will receive a $50 gift card to Barnes and Noble and be recognized nationally by Imagine Schools.

Below are the ARC packets and book lists:



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